On the morning of her birthday Emma rushed in our room around 6 am saying, "I am four! Isn't it marvelous? I am four!" What a way to begin the day. For her birthday breakfast Emma wanted a cheese pizza with ranch dressing. Not exactly what I would have chosen but that is what she wanted.
Emma had preschool and was able to bring cupcakes with her. We got princess cupcakes and juice boxes to share with her class. She was so excited to pass the treats out to her friends. She decided to wear her fancy pink dress to school for her special day.
After school Aubrey and I picked up Emma and headed to Applebee's. We had some free kids meal coupons. While we were there Emma told anyone that would listen that it was her birthday and that she was now four. They brought her a small free ice cream to celebrate.
We had to pick up Dawson from school but after we got him I thought that it would be fun to take Emma flower picking. She just adores dandelions and is so sad that we never have any. So on the way home from getting Dawson I pulled over on the side of the road and let the kids out to pick all the dandelions they wanted.
I snapped a picture of Emma's beautiful flowers:)
Dan had been out of town for work but got home mid afternoon with some flowers for Emma. They planted the flowers together in one of our pots by the front door. It was sweet to see her face as he came home with flowers just for her.
For Emma's birthday dinner she chose to go to...Red Lobster. She was so excited to eat shrimp with Daddy.
While Dan and Emma were enjoying their shrimp Dan leans over and asks Emma if she would like one of his fried shrimp. She took one look at it and said, "It looks like a butt." It was so funny. Every time after that she would ask Dan, "Can you pass me another bottom." What a silly girl.
After dinner we headed home for gifts and cupcakes. It was a wonderful day with our Emma. Each day is it's own adventure with her. I am so thankful that God gave me such a creative, spunky and joyful girl. I love you Emma!
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