
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Family fun night

This weekend we had a Friday night when Dan was home and we wanted to enjoy this rare time together.  it was a perfect night for a campfire, cool but not windy.  The kids ran around the yard picking up sticks and leaves to help Dan build the fire in the pit we purchased a few years back.  I am pretty sure that campfires are Emma's favorite outdoor activity.  While they built up the fire I was inside getting dinner ready.  Here is a photo of Emma testing out the campfire with a few marshmallows before dinner.

Once the campfire was all ready to go the kids spent sometime jumping on the trampoline together.  They were making all kinds of silly faces instead of the smiling, we really do love each other type of photo that I was trying to take.

Sweet Aubrey girl saying, "Cheese!"

Dawson is always the one I can count on for a great smile!  I wish that I could get those girls to give me one of those sometimes.

Aubrey giving her brother kisses.  Dawson and Aubrey have a special relationship and she really misses him when he is gone at school.

If you will notice, Aubrey dressed herself today.  Nothing but high fashion around here. 

After dinner, we had carne asada with rice and beans, we all grabbed our blankets and huddled by the fire.  I brought out with me all the fixings for smores.  I had them sitting in the cupboard for just the right night.

Aubrey was mostly interested in the marshmallows.  I don't think that she understood what we were trying to make so she grabbed marshmallows one right after another and shoved them in her mouth. 

I am sure that this will come as a big surprise but Dawson and Emma roast their marshmallows very differently.   As you can see Emma likes to stick her marshmallows right into the fire and burn them black.  She is blowing the flames out of her marshmallow.  Dawson, on the other hand, slowly roasts the marshmallow until it is even all over.  No flames for him!

Emma enjoying her very first bite.

Dan and Aubrey snuggling close to the campfire.  No smores for Dan.  I don't know how anyone can pass up a smore but Dan does.  I will never understand how he doesn't like sweets.

We filled our bellies with smores and by then it was starting to get dark out.  I had the great idea to play hide and seek in our backyard together.  It was a blast.  We all had turns seeking and I think that I got the biggest kick out of Aubrey.  She would get excited and start talking loud and then would remember and tell who she was hiding with to be quiet.  When you found her she would scream and laugh while she was running away from you.  I think that the best moment of the night was when I was hiding in the big outdoor toy bin.  Nobody could find me and so they decided to split up and check on the back hill.  It was pitch dark out and Emma didn't want to go up on the hill.  She said that it was too scary.  Without missing a beat Dawson yells out across the yard, "Emma!  Just believe in Jesus!"  Awesome!

It was late so we brought Aubrey in for a bath while Dawson and Emma stayed out a little longer telling each other spooky stories.  Aubrey was a mess.  How she got that much marshmallow in her hair I have no idea!  I guess that just means that she had a great time!

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