
Friday, August 24, 2012

My 32 Bucket List

My birthday is coming up in a few days and I finally made my 32 bucket list.  I was looking over my bucket list from last year and I was able to complete almost all of my goals!  There were a few items that weren't finished but they are almost done.  For example, I have the top of my Harry Potter quilt all pieced together I just need to put the backing on it and do the binding.  I also have Aubrey's baby book all finished on Snapfish I just need to get it printed.  I even was able to get my friends together to see the first two of the Lord of the Rings movies but haven't been able to set a date for the final movie.  Getting 6 ladies to all be free on the same night takes some work!

I have enjoyed thinking of some new goals for myself.  Here they are...

1.  I would like to reread all of my favorite books that I own.  I have shelves filled with stories that I just love and I want to read them all again.  I think that this quote from CS Lewis is just perfect for me, “It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.”   Too often I just keep reading new book after new book.  I need to go back and enjoy those stories that I adore and not leave them on the shelf collecting dust. 

2.  I want to read through the whole Bible again.  I had read the Bible cover to cover back when I was in high school.  Since then I have just read certain books or passages.  I would like to go through the Bible again and familiarize myself with more than just my favorites verses and books.

3.  I would like to run a half marathon.  I have signed up for the Des Moines half marathon in October.  I have been training and am excited about how healthy and strong I have been feeling.  I would like to try and run the half at around 2 hours and 30 minutes.      October 21st I ran my first half marathon.  I ran it in 2 hours and 37 minutes!

4.  Pick one friend or family member a week and send note telling them how much I appreciate them. 

5.  Make a good cheesecake.  My other (2) attempts have been disappointing.  I adore cheesecake and would love to be able to make my own instead of driving all the way to the Cheesecake Factory for a delicious slice. 

6.  Go see Catching Fire at midnight opening night.  Once you are a mom often you can't go out and do these kinds of crazy things like seeing a movie on opening night.  I would love to see Catching Fire opening night.  We will see if it works out:)

Here is a photo of me completing one the items on my 31 Bucket List, a 5k!

Alright 32, I am ready for you! 
This year is going to be great:)

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